Day 1

My grand designs of going out to the park and doing a 40 minute walk at a mile per hour were thrown out the window when I went out for a massive brunch, which used up my “going out” quota for the day. (Yes, I know a quota sounds weird, but I have this dislike for interchanging between the outside environment and the inside environment too many times a day). So I did the smart thing and exercised indoors.

Lacking the fancy equipment exercise elitists have (ooh alliteration), I turned to that thing that Kung Fu Panda deems his nemesis: stairs. If you think about it, the act of lifting your legs up or lowering them one step at a time is actually great for toning the muscles necessary for hiking when you take into account the fact that hiking usually occurs over uneven ground. And since it’s only one flight of stairs, what my eyes saw didn’t scare me at all. I was completely confident that I could last half an hour going up and down the same stairs. 

Bah. Fifteen minutes into the entire activity I was panting and sweating like a pig. I had started off thinking about what a wonderful idea this was, but that thought gradually dwindled into a single focus – I must not stop. Walking up and down the stairs was as boring as doing maths homework, except for the fact that since I was stressing out my muscles there was no way my brain could go to sleep without having my clumsy self trip. 

After my allocated half an hour, I flopped onto the floor and let the cool breeze coming in from the windows wash over me. It didn’t feel that bad, but when I take into account how I must stretch half and hour into at least three hours of continual movement, my task suddenly seems quite daunting. The final goal of hiking for four days suddenly seems a bit too near for my liking. 

Nonetheless, the first day is done. And the first step is always the hardest. Right???



It’s been awhile…

Since this Blog has been used. I’m now dusting off the cobwebs to use it as my exercise diary. Why a blog? Because your comments motivate me. The possibility of people reading everything will also shame me into doing things.

Why now? Well, I promised my friend that I would hike with him. It’s a 2 day hike that we’ve decided to do in 4 days…but considering how fast my pulse races when I walk to the nearby shops, I’m not sure my current fitness levels are up to the task. Sitting around on my bum the whole year has not been productive at all.

Anyway, wish me luck on this task! I’ve decided to start on Sunday. 🙂


Blogs, Smlogs, my other blog

I don’t know if anyone actually bothers reading these random posts of mine. If you do, please check out the other one which I update more regularly : .+*Didi*+. It’s much prettier than this one. Hehe.
For want of something better to do than play and eat chocolate, I will now recite some of my favourite composers: Rachmaninoff, Liszt, Chopin.
Some simple songs I am currently attempting to master: Because I am Stupid, Planetarium, 孤单北半球 and Fantasie Impromptu.
Chopin, you rock.


My eyes are big and slightly wild, there’s a loud mechanical
saw hacking down the dense forest of problems in my head and my shoulders are
so tight you could probably play a tune by drawing a violin bow across. Yes,
yours truly is royally stressed.


It’s amazing how many things a brain can think of at one go,
and yet not be able to grasp at the fraying ends of each problem. The more you
think about it, the more scattered those frayed ends seem, until in the end you
are left with a tangle of unintelligible and seemingly endless problems. When
you do try and untangle them, some knots become even tighter as a result of
your efforts. This is when you change gear and majorly freak out, possibly even
ending in a heap of frustrated tears.


I guess then, the only thing left to do would be to wipe
your tears, blow your nose, pick up the clumps of hair that you have pulled out
in distress, and begin to write out a list of your problems. After that, you
should do anything that would relax you. Taking a nap is good. Yelling at a
younger sibling is good too, although there might be repercussions. Following
that sudden burst of passion and killing someone is not good in any way,
twisted or straight. In my bid to relax, I am typing out my slightly chaotic


The next step would be to reorganize those slightly wild
thoughts and make them seem coherent. Once that is done, tackle each problem
individually. At this stage, I am relaxed enough to figure out that my biggest problem
at the moment is my homework. I just need to figure out which one is in more
dire need of attention. After a few moments of deep breathing and mental
banishing of that mechanical chainsaw, I have just figured out that I am
desperately behind in Maths relative to other subjects, and so I should tackle
that first. This means I should stop typing anything unrelated to Maths about…


Oh dear. That loud chainsaw is back in my head.


Yours truly,


The Impersonal Blog

Here’s to the title above: The Impersonal Blog. Typed up words are so frosty that even the bubbliest of persons seem remote. Blogs actually irritate the hell outta me, and for those of you who know me REALLY well, my hell ain’t pretty. Yet, when boredom strikes, there is nothing left to do but impersonal and irritating things.


The long awaited holidays have finally arrived, and here’s my itinerary for the past two days:

Day 1. Wake up at 8am. Work on the computer. Eat when hungry. Sleep when my eye muscles give up supporting my eyelids.

Day 2. Wake up at 8am. Work on the computer. Eat when hungry. Sleep when a headache threatens to crush my cranium into mush.

Yep. It’s all hunky dory. There’s nothing I don’t love about the holidays.


Naturally, there is only so much I can take before I will run out of the house deranged and screaming “I AM OMNIPOTENT!!!!” … So yes, I am very thankful that I will be going out sporadically over the next couple of weeks. My to-do list for the holidays is as such:

1.       Watch Ice Age 3.

2.       Watch Transformers.

3.       Watch that Karate movie that TJ had recommended, if I can remember the title.

4.       Watch Harry Potter.

5.       Sue the broadband company and make them give me an internet connection that actually works.

And so on.


Happy holidays everyone!




Willpower(continuation of Self-Disciplin)

Nowadays, everything is about willpower. The truth is, if you have a will, there is always a way to accomplish it. (if there isn’t, your willpower makes you come up with a way) That’s why people with willpower are so (darn) successful.
Willpower: the ability to mould your mind to do something.
Will: future tense
Although "will" is a future tense, it is a "permanent" tense (as I like to call it), signifying that sooner or later you will HAVE TO get around to accomplishing what ever it is.
There are still a few loop holes in that law of "permanence", especially when I don’t use the world "will"  with a time factor. Eg: "I will study." When I miss out on the time factor, it means: I WILL study, but it could be tomorrow, last minute, a year later, etc.
Actually, all the above jabber just signifies that I have non-existant will power. I can think about doing something, but I often never get around to doing until later. Much later.
Unless of course, it is something important to me. With willpower, I could properly sort out my priorities, but without willpower, I only execute stuff according to my interests. Actually, that’s just another excuse.
See, everyone is born with willpower. Everyone can be successful. I like to think that some of us don’t use our willpower to give way and make life easier for those other more ambitious people (excuses, excuses, my curse).
I guess I’d better get around to studying that Maths book now.

Self disciplin

The most important key to success is self-disciplin. Once you have mastered self-disciplin, you have mastered everything else.
Unfortunately, self-disciplin is the one characteristic that I lack. I could yell and cry and say, "It’s not fair!!" but there’s no use, because life isn’t fair.
Self-disciplin is the ability to control your impulses and do the thing that is right or required of you. Warning: do not watch Disney cartoons and movies. None of them shows even teh merest hint of self-discilin. But if you’re the kind to follow your heart and not your brain, be my guest and watch all the movies.
Not that I have anything against Walt Disney. Walt Disney movies just clash with my concept of self-disciplin. 
Self-disciplin isn’t about following your heart. Self-disciplin actually means that sometimes, you have to do the wrong thing. This is because the wrong thing could be the right thing in another sense. Once again, Disney doesn’t teach you us to do the "wrong things", things that go against your heart, so all these movies were invented. I suppose being couragous is a very good thing, as most of these heroes have the courage to DO IT.
Me, I’m supposed to be studying, but since I lack self-disciplin, I am on the computer. I’m following my heart, which says that being on the computer is good for me. (It’s all those Disney movies, they have affected me. )
My dad always tells me that I must have self-disciplin. My pratical sense tells me the same thing. Then in barges my fun-loving slef and it yells, "WHAT IF I DON’T WANT TO MASTER EVERYTHING?"
I think that everyone has a bit of multiple personality disorder in them. It just depends on which self you want to listen to.

First day of winter

OK, hi everyone
I sincerely apologize for not updating this blog or anything…I guess I just prefer writing stuff the traditional way – with pen and paper.
I’m in Australia now, and guess what: IT’S THE FIRST BLOMMING DAY OF WINTER!!!!! Sure, it’s freezing my limbs off, and I’ll soon suffer from hypothermia than stress (which is a typical M’sian syndrom and sickness), but it’s sooooooooo thrilling to experience first day of winter when you’ve been through 365.5 days of summer for 14 years of your life!!! Hmm…gotta change that to maybe 11 years since I have been traveling so often throughout the years.
To my friends in Malaysia who are enjoying your two week holdays (or maybe studying for the exams after the hols), I gotta say three words – I MISS YOU!!!!!! I’m sorry I didn’t really treasure the times we had together, all the bullying, teasing, beating up, cheating, forgiving and quarelling. I miss the teachers too, their droning voices, scolding, waving of canes about, lecturing, praising (=P)…All the different systems here is still giving me a sense of newness that I can’t quite shake off, making me miss things I’ve gotten used to and relied on for so many years.
First day of winter brings back malancholy feelings. No snow here, but the days are shorter and the nights are longer, and the temperature is dropping…And I am still stubornly refusing to wear a jumper to school if I can…
I wonder what spring will bring.
Anyway, miss everyone. Love everyone too, old friends and new.

Holidays- Out of Books!!!

Hey, it’s me, Didi, again.
It’s the school holidays, and I guess I’m having a swell of a time vegetating at home trying to rev myself up for the upcoming exams which are a month and a half away. My  minimum requirement of study time is 5 hours, so I’ve decided to spend the rest of my time grooming my dog, playing badminton, yakking on the phone or just staring off into space.

Yes sir. Me, the bookworm who also has enough books to fill a library  is OUT OF BOOKS…!!! I’ve reread every single book I own (including text books) a thousand times, and  the books I have borrowed from helpful friends who are aware of my pitious condition. I even reread my parents’ books, some of them which they haven’t even read themselves! Oh boy, I am beginning to think that the good ol’ habit of reading to gain knowledge has been a little over ‘cultured’ in me. I don’t think anyone has ever got to the point of reading the newspapers cover to cover three times a day out of boredom, which I have been doing for the past 5 days.

Worse come to worse, I place a notepad in front of me, mechanical pencil in hand and wait for inspiration to hit me for a new story. So far I have only managed to end three stories and continue another one. Nothing new has come up.

This is what happens when the school holidays hit and I have just nothing to do except for a few extra-curricular activities here and there and the occasional meeting of a society. Pretty boring life, isn’t it? That’s why I thrive on story books. Simply put, story books are my life, my sustaining substance. Without them, I’m history. Thank goodness my mom has seen me languishing and has agreed to get me three new books. Thank you, thank you! You rock! I love you, mommy!  =P

I can’t wait to buy that new Eclipse book that was written by Stephenie Meyer. That would lift my spirits up right into outer space.

Signing off, bookworm Didi.